Moving Forward: Clinical Nurse Specialist Role Evolvement
Recent abstract published in Integrative Journal of Global Health by Farzana Badshah, Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar
Advanced nursing practice (ANP) has evolved over the past several decades to become an integral part of the health care system. Today, different advanced practice roles exist in the health care system, one of which is the clinical nurse specialist (CNS). CNSs who are Advanced Practice Nurses (APNS) perform a multidimensional job which not only influence patients and their families but also nurses, nursing practice, and the whole organizational system. It is evident in the literature that CNSs provide quality and cost-effective health care. Although the CNS role has been in place for many decades worldwide, the literature indicates variance in the way the role has been operationalized in different countries. In this paper, we will discuss how the role got evolved and implemented in Hamad Medical Corporation (Qatar) and how we are moving forward in our organization. This paper will also discuss the challenges experienced by CNSs at breast Surgical Specialty and how it was taken as an opportunity to improve CNS role and services.
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