Prevalence of Preterm Births & Associated Risk Factors

Preterm births are a significant health concern at Mumbwa district hospital as observed from the rise in cases from 5.1% in 2018 to 7% in 2019. The risk factors of preterm delivery at Mumbwa district hospital include maternal age (p=0.028), parity (p=0.039), previous obstetric history of cesarean section (0.012), antepartum hemorrhage (0.001, 0.031) and bad obstetric history (0.027). 87 (69%) and 107 (79.7%) preterm births were idiopathic in 2018 and 2019 respectively (p value 0.001). In addition, preterm births are significantly associated with low birth weight (p<0.000). Further research on socio-demographic risk factors including traditional practices is essential to help identify modifiable risk factors and aid policy making as well as interventions to prevent adverse outcomes.